Nice copy spotted recently

I don’t think this is so much of a site launch, as a site I’ve just noticed.

Help is a pharmaceuticals company with a trendy little site. Kinda like if Nudie/Innocent took over Panadol.

I reckon the web is more in need of better writing than design. And Help delivers. Especially for a company that sells something so un-web2.0 as headache tablets:

Extract from the website:

Coatings and dyes can make a pill look prettier but they don’t really help you with your headache, and that’s what we are trying to do. If you enjoy coatings and dyes, you will have to eat them separately.

Thank you. You have given me relief from my headache without adding to my pain by making me read your overly verbose T’s and C’s or look at heavily-flared photoshop designed packets.


Dunlop Volleys

The site for the new Dunlop Volleys campaign is the first one in a while where I’ve actually taken the URL from a poster, and actually visited it. Hey, the system does work!


I’ve always liked volleys. They’re a real basic sweet shoe you can’t go wrong with. If you’re a kid at school, your mum can buy them at Big W but you still won’t get bashed up for it. And if you’re an indie inner city skater, you can also wear them without fear of sneaker snobbery.



They’ve based the whole campaign on a middle aged guy in a knit sweater playing the tunes of classic songs, by making fart noises with his hands (you can’t get much more un-snobbery than that eh?). Ending with one of the best taglines I’ve seen since the 60s: “Volleys – Exceptionally Average”.

I like their site too. Nothing amazing about it. But it works, is unoffensive. And is worth a look. Straight into it without any fuss.

Just like the shoes, I spose.

< /end blatant attempt to score a free pair of dunlop volleys>

Breaking Bad Online Experience


AMC are premiering a new original drama series on Jan 20 called Breaking Bad. If it’s half as good as their first effort Mad Men then we are all in for a treat. After checking out the first 5 minutes online I have to say I’m intrigued.

View the experience here. An interesting fact is that all the graphics are shot as video. There’s no 3D which is very evident with the test tube section. Also the experience is random giving you a different experience each time you visit. Although the random element isn’t really sold into the user.

It reminds me of the early Hi-Res sites where you are taken through a journey rather than left to navigate freely. The sound design is top notch. Actually follow the instructions and turn your speakers up as this really heightens the mood.

Also it took me 3 minutes to realize it’s the dad (Bryan Cranston) from Malcolm in the Middle. My fav character from the show. I had no idea he has been in so many different productions.

The online experience is by Mono and Unit 9. Mono reflecting AMC’s success with everything they touch turning to gold and coming from no where to be a major player in the last 12 months.


Crispin Porter + Bogusky is inviting you to commit a blatant act of road joy in a new Volkswagen.


Kinda like The Gypsy Cab Project meets This Diary Will Change Your Life.

There’s some nice ‘missions’, like #003 Guerilla Carwash (wash the dirtiest car on your street), #068 Operation Warm and Fuzzy (deliver some blankets to a homeless person you see), and #080 Automatic Park Assist (guide some stranger in as they do a reverse park).

I’d have liked to see the missions that didn’t get past legal : )


I have signed up to #075 (take someone to the airport), even though I’m not in Canada and not technically able to take part with my crap, non-Volkswagen car. But will do so anyway to avoid bad carma.


Although this improve-your-effect-on-the-world-with-our-brand type of campaign is becoming increasingly common, it works well for VW, because their brand is actually feel-good.

(Ie- it’s harder to swallow when this kind of thing comes from a bank).

And yes, there are missions that let you negate the effect of greenhouse gas your Volkswagen has.

Nice work.