Comcast’s Real Repairman

David Cohen, Comcast’s executive vice president, is the point man for moving deals like the one for Time Warner Cable past regulatory hurdles.

Common Sense: A Vision Beyond Cable for Comcast After Merger

If its acquisition of Time Warner Cable is approved, Comcast will become much more than a regional cable company, says its chief executive, Brian Roberts.


The Media Equation: Stealthily, Comcast Fortifies Its Arsenal

With the Time Warner Cable deal, Comcast would not only lock up 30 percent of the cable market, but pricing leverage in all directions — with customers, networks and over-the-web providers like Netflix.


DealBook: In Matter of Weeks, Meeting of Minds on Cable Giants’ Deal

Comcast was not intensely engaged with Time Warner Cable until about 10 days or so prior to the announcement of the $45 billion acquisition, according to Comcast’s chief.