Method Leaf-Blows a Birthday Cake and Makes Other Unholy Messes in These Fun Ads

Hand, dish and laundry liquids get surprisingly sexy in a new campaign from green cleaning brand Method. Call it haute soap. 

The brand’s new “Fear No Mess” campaign, which might be less pithily articulated as “Make as Big a Mess as You Possibly Can,” features immaculately dressed heroes finding inventive ways to trash beautifully designed rooms in a series of TV ads. 

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Shiny Suds

Le concept de cette publicité est simple mais original : parler de ce que contient vos produits ménagers, comme par exemple les différents éléments chimiques de Shiny Suds. Un spot réussi et drôle, conçu par l’agence Droga5 New-York et Method.


Previously on Fubiz