Black and White Photography of India

Le photographe Josef Hoflehner a ramené de ses voyages, une série de photos en noir et blanc des paysages indiens. L’atmosphère reflète une solitude spirituelle et un certain mystère avec le Taj Mahal qui apparait comme une ombre derrière la brume ou la silhouette d’un éléphant qui se rafraichit dans l’eau.

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Mute lembra povo indiano onde está sua voz

Sabe todas as vezes que você se revoltou ao ler uma notícia falando sobre corrupção, violência e tragédias que poderiam ter sido evitadas, entre outros problemas presentes no nosso cotidiano? Pois é exatamente este o sentimento vivenciado pelo personagem do filme aí em cima. Apesar das semelhanças, Mute se passa na Índia, e não no Brasil.

Produzido pela The Handloom Picture Company e dirigido por Ram Subramania, o filme mostra um jovem mudo reclamando de todos os problemas do país, do preço dos vegetais aos ataques terroristas, sem esquecer dos incontáveis casos de estupro.

No final, descobrimos que na verdade, ele não é mudo, apenas não tem voz por uma única razão: ele não votou na última eleição. A ideia é boa, com uma execução acertada. E apesar de simplificar bastante a realidade política, o filme consegue nos fazer refletir sobre a importância do voto.


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After Love Unravels in Media, Indian Politician’s Wife Is Found Dead

The death of Sunanda Pushkar stunned many in Delhi’s journalistic and political circles, many of whom had followed the twists in her life since she met Shashi Tharoor.


Indian Ad Challenges Men to See How Stupid They Look Ogling Women

Objectification and rape go hand in hand—it's easier, after all, to take advantage of a person if you don't see her as a person. But what if you catch a glimpse of yourself in the act of objectifying someone? Would you like what you saw?

A recent spot from India titled "Dekh Le" (meaning "look" or "see" in Hindi) suggests that maybe if men saw how creepy (and stupid) they look when ogling a woman, they'd try to be less creepy.

The video, already viewed nearly 2.5 million times, was uploaded by Whistling Woods International Institute, an arts and film school in Mumbai, on Dec. 16. That date marked the one-year anniversary of the fatal Delhi gang rape that touched off a firestorm of protest all over India, a country that has some of the worst violent sexual crime stats in the world. (Just this past New Year's Eve, a woman in West Bengal was set on fire and killed after filing charges against two men accused of raping her on two consecutive days.)

It's key that Whistling Woods isn't just showing matronly women being ogled, but a woman in a short skirt on a moped and a woman with a tattoo over her butt, which we in America like to call a "tramp stamp." The progressive ad suggests it's not OK to perv, even if ladies choose to dress provocatively or tattoo their lower backs with butterflies.

So will this video make a difference? It's hard to say. It's a worthy cause, but it's also up against a deep-set, worldwide issue that many men will continue to believe is harmless. In a similar effort, U.S. photographer Hannah Price tried the same tactic of showing men how foolish they look when they cat-call and made headlines by turning her lens on the same men who made her feel exposed. But as headline-grabbing as the stunt was, Price has said she doesn't think it will make any of the men change their behavior.

As for Whistling Woods' piece, I'm surprised at the fact that the only kind of unwanted attention depicted in the ad is creepy staring. There's clearly something wrong with my perspective and our culture if these guys seem fairly harmless to me in the face of the cat-callers and the booty-grabbers. I guess it's not just those guys who need to look at themselves; it's all of us

In one way, it's successful because it brings up so many questions. Why do we accept sexually aggressive behavior on a daily basis? Why is it so prevalent in our society? And do I really look that stupid when I stare at dudes with nice abs?


Nelson Mandela Memorial Billboard in India Accidentally Features Morgan Freeman

While you hate to laugh at someone who clearly meant well, it's hard not to chuckle a bit at this memorial sign for Nelson Mandela in the southern Indian city of Coimbatore. A cloth merchant wanted to celebrate the accomplishments of South African leader Nelson Mandela while also marking the legacy of peaceful advocates for change like Gandhi, Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King Jr.

Unfortunately, the resulting sign, written in the Tamil language, featured a large picture of actor Morgan Freeman instead of Mandela. The confusion likely stemmed from Google results that included Freeman's appearance as Mandela in 2009's Invictus. 

The merchant has told reporters he is already working to change the image. One bright spot, though, is that it led to some awesome wordplay in the tweet below from HyperVocal's editor:


Indian Editor Is Arrested in Assault of Employee

A crusading editor revered in India’s liberal circles, Tarun Tejpal, has been arrested in connection with the sexual assault of a young employee at his magazine.


Police in India Plan to Question Editor Over Sexual Assault Accusation

Police officials from Goa are investigating whether the editor, Tarun Tejpal, an anticorruption crusader, sexually assaulted a colleague.


Em novo filme, Google mostra o reencontro de amigos separados pela guerra

A tecnologia já se tornou tão presente em nosso dia a dia que muitos de nós nem se lembra de como era a vida antes dos celulares, computadores, internet e todos os serviços que floresceram neste terreno tão fértil. E apesar desta presença ostensiva, gerada pela necessidade ou pela comodidade, a impressão que se tem é que para muitas marcas não basta ser útil, é preciso também criar conexões emocionais com o consumidor. Algumas delas têm se saído bem, como o Skype e, com maior frequência, o Google.

Já perdi as contas de quantas campanhas bacanas do Google apareceram nos últimos anos – tanto com tramas reais quanto ficcionais-, mostrando a tecnologia não só como uma ferramenta que usamos no nosso cotidiano, mas também o fio condutor de belas histórias, o link entre um sonho ou uma ideia e um final feliz. É o caso de Reunion, filme que conta a história do reencontro de dois amigos de infância separados durante a divisão da Índia e Paquistão em 1947.

A história gira em torno de Baldev, que divide com a neta algumas de suas lembranças vividas ao lado do amigo Yusuf, com quem costumava empinar pipas e roubar um doces chamado Jhajariyas e brincar em um parque com um portão antigo, na cidade de Lahore. Com estas informações e as ferramentas do Google, a garota inicia sua busca e, claro, encontra. Por mais que a gente saiba o que acontece a seguir, uma lágrima sempre acaba rolando.


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Google Does It Again With Another Huge Tearjerker of an Ad From India

When the 1947 India-Pakistan partition ripped the two nations apart, Baldev was forced to relocate overnight, leaving behind his best friend Yusuf. Before that, they had been inseparable, flying kites together in the square and stealing Jhajariyas from Yusuf's family shop. Decades later, Baldev's granddaughter uses Google and those few tidbits of information from her grandfather's memories to find Yusuf and arrange a heartwarming reunion for her grandfather's birthday. It's three and half minutes long, and you will want it to be longer. I seriously think Google sent out some advertising memo demanding that all its spots have to be heartwarming, tearjerking or both. Hats off to Google in India. With their recent success covering Saroo Brierley's unbelievable story and now this, it's killing me how hard they're killing it!

Click on the Closed Captioning button to read the subtitles and truly enjoy.


Watch the Incredible Ad About a Woman’s Second Marriage That Has India Transfixed


Google Maps ajuda indiano a reencontrar família após 25 anos de separação

Quase que diariamente, pessoas ao redor do mundo usam o Google Maps para localizar um endereço ou para descobrir como ir de um lugar a outro – a pé, de carro ou de transporte público. E isso quebra um galhão. Agora, imagine um cara que, aos cinco anos de idade se perdeu de sua família na Índia, depois de adormecer no vagão de um trem, e acabou se mudando para a Austrália, depois de ser adotado.  Essa é a história de Saroo Brierley, que divide a busca por sua família biológica – e o encontro com eles após 25 anos – em Homeward Bound, novo filme do Google Maps.

A Índia é o sétimo maior país do mundo em extensão territorial – são 3.287.263 km² – e o segundo maior em população, com mais de 1,2 bilhão de habitantes. Estes números poderiam até ter desanimado o jovem Saroo, mas não foi o que aconteceu. A mãe adotiva foi compreensiva o bastante para apoiá-lo desde o primeiro momento, dando a ele um mapa de seu país natal, que foi devidamente pendurado no quarto do menino.

“Eu acordava todas as manhãs e via aquele mapa e, por conta disso, mantive minhas lembranças vivas.”

Saroo tinha flashes de lugares que costumava ir e dos rostos de suas famílias. Um dia, já adulto, ele percebeu que poderia usar o Google Earth para tentar encontrar a região onde morava e, combinando o Google Maps com suas lembranças, traçar o caminho que o trem fez, do lugar onde ele foi encontrado até a casa onde ele nasceu.

No ano passado, um Saroo já crescido e homem feito embarcou na viagem de sua vida, refazendo a rota traçada com o aplicativo. Encontrou sua mãe biológica – que o reconheceu e chamou o restante da família em seguida.

“Tudo que nós temos no mundo está ao toque de um botão, mas é preciso ter a vontade e a determinação para querer isso.”

Apesar de ser fangirl assumida da Apple, eu preciso admitir: ainda bem que Saroo não usou o Apple Maps. Senão, essa história poderia ter tido um final bem diferente.


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Sadhu in India

Passionné par la photographie depuis son premier voyage à Petra avec l’appareil argentique de son père, Alexis Pazoumian s’est récemment intéressé aux Sâdhus, hommes vivant en Inde qui ont reconcé à la vie en société pour se consacrer à la spiritualité. Des clichés d’une grande beauté à découvrir dans l’article.

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Hot Wheels Truck Drives Through Amber Waves of Carpet in Great Ogilvy Ad

Hot Wheels has done a lot of cool advertising lately, but you have to love the wonderful simplicity and craft of this new poster from Ogilvy & Mather in Mumbai for the toy carmaker's Safari series. It was written and art directed by Pramod Chavan. Credits below.

Client: Hot Wheels
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Mumbai, India
Chief Creative Officers: Abhijit Avasthi, Rajiv Rao
Executive Creative Directors: Vijay Sawant, Manoj Shetty
Creative Director: Minal Phatak
Art Director, Copywriter: Pramod Chavan
Photographer: Avadhut Hembade
Account: Ajay Mehta, Konkana Ghosh


Face Painting

Le photographe Rakesh JV réalise des clichés magnifiques, y compris des moments de la Shivaratri festival, à Maha en Inde, une célébration annuelle hindoue afin de vénérer Shiva. Une sélection de photos et une très belle série de « Face Painting » à couper le souffle, sont à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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India Song Photography

Focus sur la photographe Karen Knorr qui s’intéresse depuis 2008 à la culture indienne avec des clichés plaçant différents animaux au centre de lieux magnifiques. Cette série baptisée « India Song » permet de rendre hommage à ces temples, cités et autres sites sacrés. A découvrir en images et en détails dans la suite.

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Coke Looks Beyond Spotify for Music Promotion in India

Coca-Cola India is working with Dhingana, a music streaming service, to promote songs from its “Crazy for Happiness” advertising campaign.


Festival of Colors 2013

Comme la superbe vidéo Holi Slow Motion, Parker Walbeck nous invite à découvrir sa vidéo retraçant « Holi », le festival des couleurs habituellement fêtée en Inde, mais aussi organisé récemment en 2013 pour célébrer l’arrivée du printemps. De la joie, de la danse et beaucoup de couleurs à découvrir dans la suite.

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Media Decoder Blog: Fake Ads in India Showing Bound and Gagged Women Lead to Firings

The fake celebrity poster ads were created by employees of JWT India, for a real agency client, Ford Motor, without Ford’s approval or authorization. The agency said its disciplinary action included “the exit of employees.”

Ford Apologizes for Tying Women Up in Indian Ads

If you've been under a rock, violence against women in India has been all over the news since last December following the horrific gang rape of a young woman who had the audacity to take a bus. She died from her injuries, sparking protests across India. So now when I tell you Ford has had to apologize for ads created by JWT India that depict women tied up in the back of a Ford Figo, you won't be quite so surprised. The ads never ran, but were picked up when the Internet, always on the lookout for something to be offended about, found them on Ads of the World. In one illustration, Paris Hilton has tied up the Kardashians and stuck them in her boot. In another, Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has roped himself three scantily clad women. The tagline: "Leave your worries behind with Figo's extra-large boot." For those who say some people are just too sensitive to hilarious cartoon violence against women, let me explain a few things: 1) It's not less violent because it's a cartoon. 2) It's not less violent if the violence is perpetrated by another woman. 3) It's about time people got upset over casual violence toward women, which is all over the place. The sad thing is that it has to be triggered by extreme events for people to notice what's been there all along. 4) Yes, there are ads that show violence against men (though they're a lot fewer). No, people are not saying violence against men is acceptable in ads just because they're saying violence against women is unacceptable. 5) Yes, it's obviously intended as a joke. But jokes exist in context, and right now, it's really, really, superbly unfunny. It's just too bad for Ford that the brand will suffer for ads it didn't even approve. It's a good reminder that the Internet doesn't know the difference.

Inglorious Bitches: Nazistas falam feito menininhas em novo comercial da National Geographic

O uso do nazismo e seus malfeitores, e também ditadores em geral, além de figuras célebres como Albert Einstein, Marilyn Monroe e afins, já passaram da data de validade na publicidade.

São símbolos que foram usados tão insistentemente por agências, principalmente quando estão em busca de prêmios, que a mera presença de um deles em algum anúncio já me fez entortar a cara, antes mesmo de saber se o conceito é bom ou não.

Esse filme da National Geographic prova que é ainda possível brincar com esses clichês. Em um comercial para anunciar a estreia do canal em novos idiomas na Ásia, nazistas aparecem falando feito menininhas. Diverte.

Criação da JWT India, com produção da Boot Polissh Films.

Inglorious Bitches

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