Axel Springer’s New Focus on Digital Draws Cries of Betrayal

The German publisher’s sale of two regional newspapers and several magazines shocked Germans despite the company’s vow to stay in journalism.


In Germany, Union Culture Clashes With Amazon’s Labor Practices

Unions say the company has imported American-style business practices that stand at odds with European norms.


Wiesenthal Center Calls for Closing of German Magazine It Says Glorifies Nazism

A Jewish group’s complaint against the magazine Der Landser has added to the debate over the balance between free speech and efforts in Germany to eradicate the neo-Nazi movement.


New Der Spiegel Editor Will Also Oversee Web Business

Wolfgang Büchner, the former top editor at the newswire Deutsche Presse-Agentur, will work at integrating two highly autonomous enterprises.


Forged Hitler Diaries Now Part of Germany’s Archives

The magazine Stern handed over 60 handwritten volumes that it published in 1983, mistakenly claiming they were Hitler’s undiscovered journals, to Germany’s Federal Archives for posterity.


Germany Faces Criticism in Cyprus for Policies on Bailout Program

Intense negative reactions to the bailout program for Cyprus appear to be jangling nerves in Berlin, where Germans are bridling at comparisons with the country’s dark past.

Media Decoder Blog: Bertelsmann Acquires Full Control of BMG Music Company

Bertelsmann restarted BMG in 2008, and now has bought up the 51 percent stake owned by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, signaling a full return to the music business.

German Copyright Law Takes Aim at Google Links

A bill broadening protections for news publishers was approved by German lawmakers, but critics said the measure did not go far enough.


Neighborhood est le titre du court-métrage en double projection des étudiantes Saskia Kretzschmann et Vera Danilina. Comparant avec talent les détails de la métropole de New York à ceux de la province à Dessau en Allemagne, cette création sur une musique de Johnny Ripper est à découvrir dans la suite.


Spider Projection

Spider Projection est une installation vidéo impressionnante réalisée par Friedrich van Schoor à Saarbruecken (Allemagne). Deux petites araignées ont été filmées dans une reproduction miniature d’immeuble, puis ensuite projetées sur le bâtiment à échelle réelle, donnant l’illusion de leur présence dans la pièce.

Spider Projection4
Spider Projection
Spider Projection2
Spider Projection5

Rainbow Staircase

Rainbow Staircase est une création de l’artiste allemand Horst Gläsker qui a peint plus de 110 marches de couleurs à Wuppertal en Allemagne. L’artiste, spécialisé dans les créations colorées, a rajouté des mots décrivant les relations entre les êtres humains. Plus d’images de ce projet dans la suite.


Dacia Status Symptoms

Dacia Germany is attacking the established German car manufacturers and the status orientated car owners.

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Dacia – Status Symptoms

Dacia Germany is attacking the established German car manufacturers and the status orientated car owners.

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Federal Ministry for the Environment: Seals

a href=/media/print/federal_ministry_for_the_environment_sealsimg src= alt=Federal Ministry for the Environment: Seals title=Federal Ministry for the Environment: Seals class=image image-preview width=460 height=325 //apAdvertising Agency: KNSK Werbeagentur, Germanybr /
Creative Directors: Anke Winschewski, Tim Krink, Niels Hollebr /
Copywriters: Kurt Müller-Fleischer, Irina Schüllerbr /
Art Directors: Bill Yom, Nathalie Krüger/p

Federal Ministry for the Environment: Whale

a href=/media/print/federal_ministry_for_the_environment_whaleimg src= alt=Federal Ministry for the Environment: Whale title=Federal Ministry for the Environment: Whale class=image image-preview width=460 height=325 //apAdvertising Agency: KNSK Werbeagentur, Germanybr /
Creative Directors: Anke Winschewski, Tim Krink, Niels Hollebr /
Copywriters: Kurt Müller-Fleischer, Irina Schüllerbr /
Art Directors: Bill Yom, Nathalie Krüger/p

Federal Ministry for the Environment: Polar bear

a href=/media/print/federal_ministry_for_the_environment_polar_bearimg src= alt=Federal Ministry for the Environment: Polar bear title=Federal Ministry for the Environment: Polar bear class=image image-preview width=460 height=325 //apAdvertising Agency: KNSK Werbeagentur, Germanybr /
Creative Directors: Anke Winschewski, Tim Krink, Niels Hollebr /
Copywriters: Kurt Müller-Fleischer, Irina Schüllerbr /
Art Directors: Bill Yom, Nathalie Krüger/p

Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung: Fingerprints

Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung: Fingerprints

Since the beginning of 2008, a new law gives the German federal government broad access to stored telephone and Internet data — including e-mail addresses, length of call and numbers dialled — for a six-month period. The private initative “Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung” called for a class-suit against the new law. But how can you make people believe how many traces they leave when surfing the Web?

Though widespread discussions in the press, most users don’t realise what kind of data and to which extent they leave behind when surfing the Web. A special program visualises the digital fingerprint of every user. The fingerprints lead the user to a landing page and to special browser for anynomous Web surfing.

Being launched just in 2008, the “Fingerprint” project may be able, to fuel the discussion about privacy in the Internet and raise awareness for the issue. The sheer number of 30,000 participants that joined the class-suit of the Initiative at the German Constitutional Court clearly demonstrates the public interest.

Advertising Agency: NORDPOL+ HAMBURG, Germany
Creative Director: Ingo Fritz
Claudius Gerstner, Nordpol+ Hamburg
Art Directors: Dominik Anweiler, Mark Höfler

Weru Soundproof Windows: Fire

Weru Soundproof Windows: Fire

Advertising Agency: Scholz & Friends, Berlin, Germany
Creative Directors: Jan Leube, Matthias Spaetgens
Copywriter: Edgar Linscheid
Art Director: Marc Ebenwaldner
Photographer: Ralph Baiker
Account Supervisors: Katrin Seegers, Katja Weiden
Advertiser’s Supervisor: Dieter Frost
Graphic: Anatolij Pickmann
Postproduction: Gloss Postproduction

Weru Soundproof Windows: Bell

Weru Soundproof Windows: Bell

Advertising Agency: Scholz & Friends, Berlin, Germany
Creative Directors: Jan Leube, Matthias Spaetgens
Copywriter: Edgar Linscheid
Art Director: Marc Ebenwaldner
Photographer: Ralph Baiker
Account Supervisors: Katrin Seegers, Katja Weiden
Advertiser’s Supervisor: Dieter Frost
Graphic: Anatolij Pickmann
Postproduction: Gloss Postproduction

Weru Soundproof Windows: Fireworks

Weru Soundproof Windows: Fireworks

Advertising Agency: Scholz & Friends, Berlin, Germany
Creative Directors: Jan Leube, Matthias Spaetgens
Copywriter: Edgar Linscheid
Art Director: Marc Ebenwaldner
Photographer: Ralph Baiker
Account Supervisors: Katrin Seegers, Katja Weiden
Advertiser’s Supervisor: Dieter Frost
Graphic: Anatolij Pickmann
Postproduction: Gloss Postproduction