MRM//McCann Sweden Brings Emoji to Life for Vi Agroforestry

MRM//McCann actually found a practical use for an emoji in its campaign for Swedish charity Vi Agroforestry, allowing users to make donations to the charity by texting a tree emoji.

For each tree a user texts, up to 25 per message, they donate two dollars to the charity, or about what it takes to plant one tree in eastern Africa. The trees the charity plants are then used to fight poverty and starvation in the region. This method allows for users who speak different languages to easily donate in the fastest way possible (rather than using complicated SRS codes usually associated with such donations). That the emoji is also tied to a measurable effect of the donation (one emoji tree = one real tree) is a nice added bonus. The campaign was launched via social media and promoted with digital billboards in Stockholm. With all the gimmicky use of emojis by brands and agencies, it’s refreshing to see one used to actually solve a problem.


Christian Soderholm, Art Director
Fredrik Sundqvist, Copywriter
Fredrik Hildebrand, Creative Director
Sara von Platen, Designer
Elin Hedensjo, Account Director
Sofia Finnman-Larsson, Account Manager

Cellsynt, Technical Provider
The Amazing Society, Media Agency

Team Vi Agroforestry
Ola Richardsson, Communications Manager
Ylva Agrahn, Communications Specialist
Viktoria Frid, Digital Specialist
Anna-Maria Broman Ek, Fundraiser

Coke Embraces Emojis to Drive Web Traffic

In an effort to keep up with the kids while sticking to its longstanding “Happiness” mantra, Coca-Cola Puerto Rico has found a solution: registering URLs for every emoji that conveys happiness. Hence, we have smiling icons, that were created that direct you, the mobile user, to Coke’s Puerto Rican website.

Regarding the “Emoticoke” effort — which was created by EJE DDB — Coca-Cola brand manager Andrea Puig says:

“Coca-Cola seeks to create emotional connections in an innovative way, evolving according to what consumers adopt to relate to each other, so we saw the opportunity to adopt the popular ‘emojis’ to promote the expression of happiness that sets us apart.”

Yes, even our soft drink overlords have embraced the era of mobile emotional expression. The future will be written in smiley faces.


Client: Coca-Cola Puerto Rico

Agency: EJE DDB

Chief Creative Officer: Enrique Renta

Creative Director: Santiago Cuesta

Associate Creative Director: Ricardo Uribe

Copywriters: Santiago Cuesta, Ricardo Uribe, Juan Romero, Nuria De La Banda

Art Director: Jesse Echevarria, Luis Figueroa

VP Managing Partner: Edgardo Manuel Rivera

Account Executive: Alexandra Ramírez

PR Account Executive: Jennifer González

Digital Director: Janette Robles

Digital Planning: José Ramón González, Anadys Félix

Programmer: Daniel Sáenz

Video: Alejandro Ussa

Ikea Develops Its Own Emojis, for When You Need to Text About Swedish Meatballs

Men and women would get along better if they just had more domestically themed emojis to help them communicate properly in their text messages, says Ikea.

The Swedish furniture maker and brain-hacking home-retail maze is playing couples therapist in a new campaign from the Netherlands that announces the launch of Ikea Emoticons. These special little text-message pictures will supposedly reduce friction at home by letting you more efficiently text your significant other about having, for example, vacuumed the house.

Ridiculous as that premise may be, it’s a cute idea. And the resulting alphabet includes some clear winners, like a symbol for Swedish meatballs, as well as harder-to-explain gems, like a symbol for a green-eared dachshund. (Where in the real world does such a thing exist, without taking peyote?)

In the video, a salesman with a thick accent and expert method of smugly grabbing his white lab coat tells you where to download the emojis to your phone.

Alas, a number of reviews in Apple’s App Store pan the whole thing as a false promise. The emojis, critics claim, are not small at all but giant pictures that you have to copy and paste into your texts, which requires granting the app full access to a phone’s keyboard. (And funny thing, not everyone trusts Ikea.) Another review, which doesn’t read at all like an Ikea agency employee wrote it, blames the complaints on Apple’s coding restrictions.

Sadly, there are more fundamental flaws. For some inexplicable reason, the alphabet doesn’t seem to include a cinnamon bun emoji, or, even worse, a person tearing his or her own hair out and screaming while standing over a pile of sticks and pegs that are supposed to become a shelf emoji. Which means you’ll have to fake it with an Allen wrench and an angry face, just like in real life.


Want a Short-Sleeve Dress Shirt Covered in Poo Emojis? Of Course You Do

This is truly a golden age for the poo emoji, that fecund swirl who’s become the messaging embodiment of all things odious.

For proof, look no further than Betabrand’s popular “Poo Emoji Button-Up Shirt,” which just completed its crowdfunding phase and received nearly 500 percent of the preorders needed to green-light production. The goal was to sell 50 shirts to early backers, but more than 230 had committed by the time crowdfunding closed Wednesday night.

“Our initial production run will be about 800 units.,” Betabrand founder Chris Lindland tells AdFreak.

And there’s more crap to come. In addition to its existing poo emoji shoes, Betabrand is “currently seeking feedback on a poo dress for women,” Lindland says.

Now, you might be on board with poo emojis. But why is the men’s shirt short-sleeve? “The shirts are part of a creative Hawaiian shirt collection we’re developing,” Lindland said. “Our photographers thought it would be funny to shoot like a serious Banana Republic shoot.”

You can check out the results of the e-retailer’s ironic photo collection below and decide if this would be $80 well spent.

Agora que o consumo é legal nos EUA, maconha ganha nova ‘identidade visual’ (!)

Com a legalização do uso de maconha em dois estados norte-americanos, e uso medicinal aprovado em 20 deles, o estúdio de design Studio 360 fez uma curiosa proposta: uma nova identidade visual para o baseado dentro dessa nova cultura ‘mainstream’.

Em parceria com a Original Champions of Design, o resultado foi não só uma nova representação gráfica, mas também um nome mais chique e menos estereotipado: canabiótico.

canabioticos canabioticos-folha

O logo para os canabióticos abdica da tradicional cor verde e da referência mais conhecida à folha verde da maconha, utilizando em seu lugar uma folha com sete folíolos, apresentada em roxo, que mais parece um bizarro arbusto ou um asterisco meio achatadinho. Nos exemplos apresentados, o logo para os canabióticos aparece em diversas representações, que vão desde vestimentas, avisos em embalagens alimentícias, pôsteres informativos e até mesmo emojis (!) relacionados à droga – destaque para os smiles maconheiros, que ganham o símbolo dos canabióticos no lugar dos olhos.

canabioticos-receitas canabioticos-embalagem canabioticos-poster canabioticos-emoji

A intenção de toda essa nova identidade visual é acabar com o estereótipo do fumo – que é apenas uma das formas de consumo da maconha – e passar a mostrar os ‘canabióticos’ quase como um suplemento nutricional. Será que uma mudança de ‘marca’ pode ajudar a maconha a ser melhor recebida pela sociedade?

Os detalhes do rebranding da maconha podem ser conferidos na íntegra neste estudo da OCD.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Emoji Paintings by Nastya Ptichek

Nastya Ptichek est une artiste ukrainienne qui a eu l’idée de détourner des peintures connues, et d’y incruster des éléments de notre culture digitale, à savoir des notifications Facebook, Twitter ou Instagram. Des séries réunies sous le projet « Emoji-Nation », incluant des détournements d’Edward Hopper.

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Emoji Icons Imagined in Real Life

Un projet original par la designer américaine Liza Nelson qui a décidé de commencer une série contemporaine et des photographies en reprenant les icônes numériques et smileys Emoji. Un hommage a cet alphabet universel et populaire grâce au concept « Emoji Icons Imagined in Real Life » à découvrir dans la suite.


Novo vídeo da Katy Perry transforma letra de música em conversa no Whatsapp

Eu nunca pensei que fosse publicar um vídeo da Katy Perry por aqui, mas o clipe com a letra de “Roar”, nova música da cantora pop, merece.

E não é apenas pelo uso do WhatsApp, contando a música como uma divertida conversa entre amigos, mas principalmente pela apresentação criativa da letra. A saída fácil e rápida seria tudo escrito na tela, mas o vídeo também utiliza um monte de Emojis para criar significado.

Katy Perry ROAR

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Apple adiciona ícones homossexuais no teclado Emoji do iOS 6

A nova versão do iOS da Apple terá uma simples, mas significativa adição no teclado Emoji: São dois novos ícones, um representando um casal gay e outro lésbico.

Ambos estão juntos dos ícones sobre relacionamento, ao lado de um casal heterossexual segurando as mãos e outro casal com um filho. A diferença é que, pelo visto, os casais homossexuais não mereceram ao menos uma expressão facial.

Os pictogramas Emoji surgiram no Japão, e logo se tornaram um padrão visual tanto lá quanto no Ocidente. Atualmente é impossível navegar por qualquer lugar sem encontrar um dos simpáticos emoticons.

/via Gizmodo

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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