The Community Crafts ‘Dear Summer’ for Corona

With only a couple of months left of spring, Miami-based SapientNitro cross-cultural agency The Community (formerly La Communidad) created a new spot promoting Corona Extra entitled “Dear Summer.”

The 60-second spot is narrated by Winter, whose address to summer celebrates the season via comparison to the less pleasant aspects of winter. While summer has bonfires, winter’s fires are for not freezing; people can swim in the summer’s waters, people slip and fall on winter ice. “You even have your own beer, how can I compete with that?” winter asks. (Actually, there are a lot of great winter seasonal beers, but we won’t go off on that tangent…) It’s a bit of a cheesy approach, but it integrates the product well — presenting Corona as the beer of summer with the tagline “Always Summer” — and fits nicely with the brand’s larger “Find Your Beach” positioning. The spot ends with a reminder of the season’s ephemeral nature with the line “P.S. Fall says ‘hi.”


Client: Corona
Agency: The Community
Chief Creative Officer: Jose Mollá & Joaquin Mollá
Creative Director: Rodrigo Butori
Art Director: Aaron Willard
Copywriter: Aaron Zimroth, Matias Blazevic, Ibon Iraola
VP of Integrated Production: Laurie Malaga
Senior Producer: Julio Rangel
Account Director: Maryanne Dammrich
Account Associate: Daniel Gergely
Account Executive(s): Sophia Gonzalez
Account Coordinator: Erika Rivera

Production Company: Partizan
Director: John Dolan
Director of Photography: Alex Lamarque
Executive Producer: Sheila Stepanek
Head of Production: Jennifer Gee
Producer: John Benet
Offline Editing House: Beast Editorial
Online Post House: Vapor Post
Editor: Rob Watzke
Assistant Editor: Evelina Gokinayeva
Producer: Mary Stasilli

Music House: Circle of Sound
Composer: Circle of Sound
Producer: Guillermo De La Barreda
Color Correction/VFX: Vapor Post
Audio Mix: Elastik Music
Producer: Luli De Oto
Mixer: Gustavo Briceno

Corona Brings Glorious Sunshine to a Shaded Patio in Clever Outdoor Stunt

The stars really aligned for Corona—well, one did in particular—in this clever outdoor stunt from Toronto agency Zulu Alpha Kilo.

Check out the video below to see how the brand brought some extra hours of sunlight to some drinkers on a patio. It’s a great realization of the brand’s tagline, “Find your beach,” and surely has extra resonance in Canada, where summers are short enough.

Corona, of course, loves any marketing that involves celestial bodies—as seen in New York City last summer, when the brand made the waxing crescent moon look like a slice of lime resting in a Corona bottle on a billboard.

Crescent Moon Becomes the Lime in the Bottle on Heavenly Corona Billboard in NYC

The moon isn't made of cheese. It's made of lime. Corona and ad agency Cramer-Krasselt have put up a fun billboard in New York City which—on certain nights of the month, from a certain angle—makes the waxing crescent moon look like a slice of lime resting in a Corona bottle. The next public viewing of "Luna Corona," at 15th Street and 9th Avenue in Manhattan, will happen this Friday and Saturday nights, if you're interested. For the promo video below, the agency trots out scientific types, who explain in hushed tones how difficult it is to get the precision just right for this. I'm not an astronomer, but wouldn't it be easy to line up the moon and the bottle throughout the evening by walking around with your camera to a different spot on the street? The billboard is cool enough on its own without making it seem too much like a true celestial event.


Campanha passa mensagem de bebida com moderação borrando “Django Livre” nos cinemas

Na estreia de “Django Livre” na Espanha, a cerveja Corona inventou uma ação em conjunto com a Sony Pictures. Os créditos iniciais do filme apareciam borrados, criando tensão entre os espectadores que se perguntavam se era 3D ou um defeito.

Depois de 1 minuto e meio, a sacadinha se revelava: “Beba com responsabilidade”.

É difícil compreender como uma coisa se conecta com a outra, além da mera intenção de produzir uma pegadinha publicitária e a esperança que viralize na internet. Nunca é ruim tentar passar uma mensagem de responsabilidade social, é claro, mas melhor seria se nesse caso ela realmente tivesse algum contexto com o filme.

Criação da JWT de Madrid.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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