New York Times Hires Bloomberg Reporter in China Controversy

Michael Forsythe left Bloomberg News in November after reports that the news agency did not publish an article over fears it would anger China.


Run Run Shaw, Chinese-Movie Giant of the Kung Fu Genre, Dies at 106

Mr. Shaw and his older brother, Run Me, were movie pioneers in Asia, producing and sometimes directing films like “Five Fingers of Death.”


21st Century Fox Sells Stake in Chinese TV Company

The move was the latest step that the company has taken to reduce its position in China.


Chinese Businessman Seeking Stake in Times Co.

Chen Guangbiao, who is known for public stunts, said he was leading a group of investors seeking to acquire a large or controlling stake in The New York Times Company.


The Media Equation: Where Freedom of the Press Is Muffled

China and Britain both underscore how transparency, however painful in the moment, allows democracy, business and the citizenry to thrive in the long run.


China Pressures U.S. Journalists, Prompting Warning From Biden

Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. raised the issue as Beijing withholds accreditation for journalists from The New York Times and Bloomberg.


Sinosphere Blog: Bloomberg Code Keeps Articles From Chinese Eyes

Some stories that Bloomberg runs are considered too sensitive to run in China, raising questions about a clash of journalistic ideals with commercial interests.


Bloomberg News Suspends Reporter Whose Article on China Was Not Published

After disputing reports that top editors had killed an article on China for political reasons, Bloomberg News suspended the reporter Michael Forsythe.


Bloomberg Says News Service Did Not Kill Articles on China

Bloomberg News, a unit of the company owned by Michael R. Bloomberg, was accused of withholding articles that were unflattering to Chinese officials.


Reporter for Reuters Won’t Receive China Visa

The rejection comes amid rising tensions between foreign news organizations and the Chinese government, which has been using various means to express displeasure with coverage it deems unflattering.


Bloomberg News Is Said to Curb Articles That Might Anger China

Employees said Bloomberg News chose not to publish investigative articles about China’s leadership because of worries that it would be evicted from the country.


China Wants Its Movies to Be Big in the U.S., Too

China’s ambitious new film entrepreneurs, dozens of whom gathered in California this week for industry events, want something that has largely eluded them: a homemade global hit.


Wikipedia China Becomes Front Line for Views on Language and Culture

Even innocuous topics have become controversial for Wikipedia editors from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, and compounding the issue are language differences.


Sinosphere Blog: Chinese Newspaper Asks Police to Free Detained Reporter

The New Express, a scrappy tabloid in Guangzhou, said its reporter had been detained while investigating the finances of China’s second-largest construction equipment maker.


Print Ads Just Can’t Keep Up With the Porsche 911

Here's a nice, fun, simple campaign for Porsche China by the Shanghai office of Fred & Farid. And kudos to the client for agreeing to lose the beauty shots of the vehicle almost entirely. Three more ads plus credits below.

Client: Porsche China
Campaign: "Away"
Agency: Fred & Farid, Shanghai
Executive Creative Directors: Fred & Farid
Creative Director: Gregoire Chalopin
Copywriter: Gregoire Chalopin
Art Director: Pierrick Jegou
Brand Supervisors: Carsten Balmes, Estella Yang
Agency Supervisors: Vivian Wang, Kylie Wang
Retoucher: Hongxia Wang


Camping Festival in China

Le 15 septembre dernier a eu lieu la sixième édition du Camping Festival dans la province de Jiangxi en Chine. Organisé par le Wugong Mountain Scenic Area Management Committee, cet évènement a accueilli près de 15 000 tentes colorées, nous offrant ainsi de superbes photos à découvrir dans la suite.

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Camping Festival in China8
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Camping Festival in China1
Camping Festival in China10

Barreira idiomática causa confusão em Money Exchange

Se você já passou pela situação de ser mal-interpretado alguma vez na vida, especialmente em um outro país e em outro idioma, o filme da agência Fred & Farid para a Société Générale certamente vai despertar lembranças.

A ação se passa na China, quando um jovem francês tenta se comunicar com a atendente de uma casa de câmbio. O pedido dele é simples: “me dê o dinheiro agora”. Primeiro, pede em francês, depois, em inglês. Sem sucesso, tenta a mímica e, por último, faz o que qualquer pessoa com a tecnologia de um tradutor no bolso faria: escreve a frase no celular e mostra para o outro ler.

O problema é que nem sempre o resultado é o esperado, especialmente quando o interlocutor não entende direito o pedido. E é aí que a confusão começa…

A mensagem da Société Générale é que, se você quer estudar no exterior, melhor ter um serviço financeiro que entenda você. Sem erro.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Crackdown on Bloggers Is Mounted by China

Hundreds of microblog users across the country have been arrested for what Communist Party officials call malicious rumor-mongering online.


Kobe Bryant Brings His Mad Beethoven-Playing Piano Skills to Lenovo Ad

Lenovo has moved on (at least for the moment) from comparing itself to Apple to having Kobe Bryant play Beethoven on the piano with symphonic accompaniment for no reason. Really. There's barely a connection made between Lenovo's product line and Kobe in this Chinese spot, though there are worse things in life than gratuitous piano playing. For those of you who are surprised that Kobe had this talent, check out his six-second video that was the inspiration for the ad. He has said the Moonlight Sonata, in particular "calms me down when I reach my breaking point."


Mountain Villa on top of Chinese Tower

Pendant plus de 6 ans, le docteur Zhang Biqing a construit une villa-montagne sur le toit de son immeuble de 26 étages dans la ville de Beijing sans demander aucune autorisation légale pour cela. Une réalisation rocambolesque et incroyable aujourd’hui controversée par les habitants de l’immeuble à découvrir en images.






