Motorola – Color Changing Print Ad

Une excellente initiative de l’agence Digitas pour le constructeur téléphonique Motorola avec cette campagne innovante autour des couleurs. Une opération et une publicité interactive disponible dans plus de 150 000 numéros de l’édition de Janvier 2014 de Wired Magazine. Plus de détails dans la suite de l’article.

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The Face of Change

La photographe Camille Seaman nous propose une série de clichés impressionnante appelée Terminus : The Face of Change. Pensée pour signifier et mettre un visage sur les changements climatiques avec des images prises entre l’Antarctique ou le Groenland ces dernières années, découvrez une série d’images dans la suite.

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Nothing really changes / Un recyclage même pas déguisé

Cliquer ici pour voir la vidéo.

Cliquer ici pour voir la vidéo.

Mio liquid water enhancer « changes » – 2012
Source : Culture Pub
Agency : Taxi Toronto (Canada)
D&R book, music, electronic stores – 2013
Source : YouTube
Agency : Publicis Bold (Turkey)

Benga – I Will Never Change

Les réalisateurs anglais d’Us ont pu présenter récemment le nouveau clip de Benga illustrant le morceau “I will never change”. Reprenant l’idée d’un assemblage de 980 vinyls pour donner une fréquence musicale. Un rendu réussi à découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.




Previously on Fubiz

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When The Going Gets Tough, Go Guerrilla


If you’re anything like me, “change” is a word that has been overused of late. Well, unfortunately, it’s going to happen again: Change. Change. CHANGE!

Change the way you think. Change the way you act. Look at your client from another angle. Ask someone else what they see. Don’t rely on what you think you know, go and find out what others know. 

Our industry beat the phrase, “Think Outside the Box” into the ground, but now-really-it’s time to think outside the box. If you wait for your clients to come to you, it’s too late…trust me, others have great ideas, just like you do. The only difference is that they’re acting on theirs. So, Refresh. Renew. Revitalize. Do something…something is always better than nothing.

Try Guerrilla! It’s relatively inexpensive. You can target geographically. It’s tactical. It makes a splash. It may get you in trouble, but it gets the message out…and PR is PR, right?

Granted, it won’t be perfect for every client, but you have at least one that would benefit. Automotive? Entertainment? Packaged Goods? Think it’s not for your clients? Think again: MSN, Yahoo, Carmex, Disney, Activision, CBS, TBS, New Balance, Absolut, AT&T, New York Sports Clubs, Pepsi, and tons of new movie releases have all recently used some form of poster advertising.

You’re there because you’re creative. So, be creative.

Jeff Louis: Strategic Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Coordinator. His passion is writing, contributing to BMA as well as freelancing. He’d love to hear from you: or

Change Lingerie: Change in Saudi Arabia, 3

Change Lingerie: Change in Saudi Arabia, 3

Cover anything but the lingerie.

CHANGE is an international upscale brand providing quality lingerie, swimwear and homewear. The objective of the ad was to announce the launch of CHANGE in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The ads’ main focus is to utilize the concept behind censorship in Saudi Arabia to pull focus on the Brand’s product line and to transform censorship into art. The ads are all in English, as they target an upscale bilingual audience.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Creative Director: Mazen Hassan
Art Director / Illustrator: Yasser Alireza
Copywriters: Yasser Alireza, Fitna Nazer
Account management: Khaled Shalha
Published: May 2008

Change Lingerie: Change in Saudi Arabia, 2

Change Lingerie: Change in Saudi Arabia, 2

Edit anything but the bra.

CHANGE is an international upscale brand providing quality lingerie, swimwear and homewear. The objective of the ad was to announce the launch of CHANGE in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The ads’ main focus is to utilize the concept behind censorship in Saudi Arabia to pull focus on the Brand’s product line and to transform censorship into art. The ads are all in English, as they target an upscale bilingual audience.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Creative Director: Mazen Hassan
Art Director / Illustrator: Yasser Alireza
Copywriters: Yasser Alireza, Fitna Nazer
Account management: Khaled Shalha
Published: May 2008

Change Lingerie: Change in Saudi Arabia, 1

Change Lingerie: Change in Saudi Arabia, 1

Censor anything but the bikini.

CHANGE is an international upscale brand providing quality lingerie, swimwear and homewear. The objective of the ad was to announce the launch of CHANGE in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The ads’ main focus is to utilize the concept behind censorship in Saudi Arabia to pull focus on the Brand’s product line and to transform censorship into art. The ads are all in English, as they target an upscale bilingual audience.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Creative Director: Mazen Hassan
Art Director / Illustrator: Yasser Alireza
Copywriters: Yasser Alireza, Fitna Nazer
Account management: Khaled Shalha
Published: May 2008