What will happen at #OCCUPYCHICAGO?

Autonomous action and the fracturing of consensus.

From Blackspot Blog

Three days after Adbusters put out a call to #OCCUPYCHICAGO for a month during the May G8/NATO summits, spectacular clashes erupted between #OCCUPYOAKLAND militants and armored police. Attempts to occupy an abandoned building were put down with tear gas, less-lethal munitions and baton charges. What was new, and surprising, this time around was that some Oakland occupiers came equipped as altermodern Hoplites with plastic and tin shields. And to everyone’s amazement they performed an eerie quasi-military discipline and phalanx formation that had clearly been worked out beforehand. They came ready and willing to confront police. On a symbolic level, the Oakland street battle struck a chord in the movement because its theatrical staging functioned as an inverted repetition of the Brooklyn Bridge arrests that electrified the first phase of Occupy.

In both cases, a group of protesters engaged in the ostensibly illegal behavior (blocking traffic, occupying space) courageously faced down police while spectators, journalists, photographers recorded the scene from the left flank on higher ground. Both events are watershed moments that define phases of the movement. #OCCUPYOAKLAND’s phalanx and #OCCUPYWALLSTREET’s mass arrest represent different, at times compatible and sometimes conflicting, futures of #OCCUPY. That is why #OCCUPYOAKLAND’s public performance of a West Coast anarchist ethos has sent a chill down the international spine of #OCCUPY, sparking raging debates on many movement email lists.

At stake is not who will determine the future of #OCCUPYWALLSTREET. At stake is who will determine the future of #OCCUPY… which is to say what vision of the movement will emerge during the next big showdown, #OCCUPYCHICAGO in May?

Until now many people have believed that #OCCUPYWALLSTREET is synonymous with #OCCUPY and that the beautiful spirit of Zuccotti will forever dictate how the movement unfolds. But this assumption is fracturing as it becomes clear that the movement is actually comprised of dozens, if not hundreds or thousands, of autonomous forces acting in concert. The perfect example is OccupyWallSt.org, the flagship website of the movement which is not itself of, or beholden to, the movement. Coding for the site began weeks before any on-the-ground meetings were held in NYC. OccupyWallSt.org explains that they are an autonomous “affinity group” that is not “a subcommittee of the NYCGA nor affiliated with Adbusters, Anonymous or any other organization” which means that they do not receive orders from nor accept the authority of any of these organizations, including the General Assembly of NYC. They are allies but nonetheless autonomous. Of course, this is the same position that Adbusters, Anonymous and the NYCGA take in regards to each other as well. And, when you think about it, it is also the same position that your local #OCCUPY might take towards the dictates of #OCCUPYOAKLAND, #OCCUPYCHICAGO or even #OCCUPYWALLSTREET.

With today’s hindsight it is obvious that what have been called the core principles of the #OCCUPY movement have been overdetermined by an East Coast vibe inherited from the pre-September 17 meetings of the NYC General Assembly, another organization that predates #OCCUPY but has been considered synonymous with it. It was in these meetings that consensus-based general assemblies were agreed upon as the model. It is interesting to read the various declarations of the NYC General Assembly in light of the waning influence that New York occupiers over #OCCUPY as a whole. In these declarations, for example, one detects a frequent slippage between the NYCGA speaking for itself and speaking for the movement as a whole. This used to make sense but it no longer does as murmurs on the West Coast suggest a growing sentiment that the folks on the East Coast have gotten a bit too comfortable with the NGOs, unions and behind-the-scenes power-brokers in DC that the movement explicitly rejected before September 17. #OCCUPYOAKLAND’s powerful emergence is a symptom of the fracturing of the movement as various autonomous forces push-and-pull the movement in new, surprising directions.

The consensus of the movement over itself has been lost. It will take weeks, perhaps months, for these debates to simmer into discussions and then be settled within the movement. Ultimately, the matter will not be decided until we see what plays out in Chicago when the world’s supposed leaders meet and 2,500 journalists are watching. The situation is made all the more difficult because consensus decisions in New York City cannot dictate the consensus in Oakland, Los Angeles, Portland or Chicago. Inter-occupy conference calls are now happening to address this reality. And perhaps even more significant is the looming possibility of multiple #OCCUPYs in the same city. If there are two #OCCUPYOAKLAND general assemblies, one which embraces militant street battles and one which does not, who is to say which has greater authority over the name? Or, what if there is a defunct #OCCUPYX and a new crop of people move in and claim to speak for #OCCUPYX? What is the relationship between a preexisting #OCCUPY and an autonomous group who comes in later, acts autonomously and claims the right to also speak in the name of that city’s #OCCUPY? The old answer would have been that all #OCCUPYs must abide by the declarations of the NYC General Assembly… but this no longer seems tenable.

Behind this soul searching is the unresolved question of whether a movement that fractures into smaller autonomous groups can still build and maintain a consensus larger than its individual parts. The answer is probably yes… after all, we’ve been doing it unconsciously up until now. What is different is that we’re being forced to acknowledge that autonomy is a core principle of the movement, for better or worse.

Micah White

Mental çevrecilik nedir?

“Mental çevre dergisi”nin k?sa tarihi

From Blackspot Blog

Adbusters‘in ardindaki temel fikir, tüketim toplumuna karsi mücadelemizi motive eden esas elestiri, mental çevreciliktir. On yedi yildir, Adbusters‘in yedinci sayisinin yayinlanmasindan itibaren, derginin alt basligi " Mental çevre dergisi ". Peki, mental çevrecilik tam olarak nedir?

Adbusters, Kalle Lasn ve Bill Schmalz tarafindan 1989 yilinda kuruldu. Bu ikili Vancouver, British Columbia’da yasayan ödül sahibi belgesel film yapimcisiydi. 1980lerin basindan itibaren Lasn, Japonya’nin kapitalizm deneyiminden batinin alabilecegi manevi ve kültürel dersleri arastiran filmler yapmaktaydi. Özellikle Satori in the Right Cortex (1985) filminde yasam degistiren tezahürlerin [epiphany] kivilcimini çakmasi açisindan ana akim kültürel kurumlarin yaydigi fikirlerin ve imajlarin degistirilmesi, bozulmasi, kesintiye ugratilmasi, alternatifinin bulunmasi [culture jammer] üzerinde durulur. Sezgisel aydinlanma ani için kullanilan Budist kavram Satori deneyimi, "culture jammer" hareketi için kurucu taktiksel kavrayis oldu.

2001’de Kyoto Journal ile yaptigi bir röportajda, Lasn Adbusters‘in altinda yatan fikir olarak filmin öneminden bahseder:

Forests Forever – British Columbia Council of Forest Industries

Talking Rainforest – Adbusters Media Foundation

"Japonya’da Satori in the Right Cortex isimli filmi çekerken, Kamakura’daki Zen manastirinin bas rahibine meditasyon yapan müritlerinin görüntüsünü almak istedigimi söyledim. Kabul etti ancak öncelikle meditasyon yapmam gerektigini söyledi. Fiziksel ve psikolojik olarak izdirapli geçen birkaç günün ardindan bana gerçekten de birseyler oldu. Rahip benim basit günlük rutinimi kesintiye zorladi ve sonunda alçakgönüllü, eforik ve degismis biri oldum. Belki de ancak bunun gibi yeni bir davranis modeline itelenirsek yasamin nasil olduguna dair bir isaret yakalamak mümkün. "Culture Jamming" ayni konsepte dayali. O, tüketimci görüntünün akisini kendi durumunu ayarlamaya yetecek kadar durdurmanin bir yoludur."

Benzer sekilde, Adbusters‘in kendisi de hayat degistiren bir tezahürden dogdu.

1988’de Orman Endüstrisi British Columbia Konseyi, kereste endüstrisinin "sesi", büyüyen çevreci hareketin muazzam baskisiyla karsi karsiyaydi. Baskiya "Ormanlar Daima" isimli bir televizyon reklam kampanyasi ile karsilik verdi. Bu bir organizasyonun çevre bilincine, çevresel sorumluluga sahipmis izlenimi vermeye çalismasinin [greenwashing] ilk örneklerindendi: insanlari kereste endüstrisinin ormanlari koruduguna inandiran içten, güven veren sesli bir anlatici esliginde mutlu çocuklar, isçiler ve hayvanlarin görüntüsü.

Aldatici çevre karsiti propagandayi yaymak için kamusal kanallarin açikça kullanilmasi Lasn ve Shmalz’i öfkelendirdi. "Konusan Yagmur Ormani" isimli, yasli bir agacin bir fidana "agaç çiftligi orman degildir" diyerek anlattigi bir anti-reklam yaparak karsilik verdiler. Ancak meselenin cengâver ikilisi kereste endüstrisinin reklaminin yayinlandigi istasyonda yayin süresi almaya gittiginde reddedildi. Adbusters, vatandaslarin sirketler gibi bilgi akisi erisimine sahip olmadiginin ürkütücü sekilde idrak edilmesiyle dogdu. Sürmekte olan kilit kampanyalarimizdan biri Media Carta, "bütün özgür ülkelerin anayasalarindaki ve Uluslararasi Insan Haklari Sözlesmesi’ndeki haberlesme hakkini korumak için bir hareket".

Adbusters için bilgi akisiyla ilgili endise demokratik seffafligi, konusma özgürlügünü veya halkin ifade kanallarina erisimini savunmanin ötesine geçer. Bunlar önemli konular olsa da Adbusters daha ziyade fikir savasini politik ajandasinin merkezine yerlestirir. Pro-tüketimci reklamciliga karsi mücadele bir amaca yönelik araç olarak yapilmaz, tersine kendisi zaten bir amaçtir. Vurgudaki bu kayma mental çevreciligin çok önemli bir unsurudur.

Eger çevreciligin temel anlayisi dissal gerçekligin, doganin, endüstriyel toksinler tarafindan kirletilebilecegi ise mental çevreciligin temel anlayisi içsel gerçekligin, zihnimizin, bilgi kirliligine maruz kalabilecegidir. Mental çevrecilik ticari iletisim tarafindan zihinlerimizin kirletilmesi ile insanligin önünde beliren sosyal, çevresel, finansal ve etik felaketler arasinda baglanti kurar. Mental çevreciler BP petrol sizintisindan kayirmaci demokrasinin ortaya çikmasina, hayvanlarin toplu olarak katledilmesinden zihinsel rahatsizliklardaki bariz artisa kadar genis olaylar zincirine her gün zihnimize saldiran üç bin reklamin yol açtigini ileri sürer. Petrole bulanmis kiyilari yikamak için acele ederek veya sulandirilmis çevresel koruma yasasini geçirerek hastaligin semptomlarini tedavi etmektense mental çevreciler kaynak nedeni hedeflerler: tüketiciligi besleyen reklam endüstrisi.

Zihnimiz inançlarimiza, arzularimiza ve gerçeklik algimiza rengini çalan bunaltici bir propaganda saldirisi tarafindan kirletilmektedir. Bu yüzden karsi mücadele vermek sokaklarda protesto etmenin veya birkaç linke tiklamanin ötesinde çok daha zordur. Bu durum bizi satori konseptine geri getirir. Tüketici düsünsel alanindan çikmak perspektifimizde kökten degisime yol açar, bir tezahürdür, sonrasinda hersey farkli gözle görülebilir.

Mental çevrecilik dogmakta olan bir harekettir, önümüzdeki yillarda çagimizin baslica sosyal mücadelesi olarak taninacaktir. Birlestirici bir mücadeledir – mental çevreciler arasinda muhafazakâr Mormonlardan radikal soldaki anarsistlere kadar hersey vardir – ayrica nihayet bir mücadele bizi tehdit eden fenaliklar çesitliliginin sebeplerini somut olarak açiklar.

Zihinsel zincirlerden kurtulmak için ve nihayet solun uzun süredir ümit ettigi o muhtesem özgürlestirici devrimi basarmak için, "culture jamming" yoluyla ve tezahürler dalgasinin kivilcimini çakarak tüketimci dünya görüsünü parçalayacak savasçilar olmamiz gerekiyor.

Micah White

Translated by Translator Brigadestranslatorbrigades@gmail.com

Rechazar el clicktivismo

El camino a seguir no vendrá a través de las pantallas.

From Blackspot Blog

This article is available in:

El mundo necesita desesperadamente una revolución cultural. Mientras algunos de nosotros vivimos esclavizados para producir objetos que no podemos permitirnos, otros se afanan en consumir artículos de lujo que no necesitan. Ninguno de ellos vive una vida satisfactoria, ni es feliz y ambos desempeñan su papel en el continuo expolio y destripamiento de la tierra. La sociedad de consumo se basa en este círculo vicioso que encadena a unos a su puesto de trabajo en la fábrica y a otros a las pantallas de sus cubículos. Es un ciclo crecientemente inhumano que se nos ha ido por completo de las manos, enterrando a la humanidad en el abismo de guerras climáticas y locura cultural. Todo esto ya lo sabemos. Lo que no está tan claro es cómo cambiar esta situación. 

Una respuesta que viene imponiéndose sobre a todas las demás es que el futuro del activismo es online. Deslumbrados por la promesa de  alcanzar un millón de personas con un solo click, la transformacón social se ha puesto en manos de una tecnocracia de programadores y expertos en “social media” que construyen fastuosas y caras páginas webs y campañas virales que amasan millones de direcciones de correo electrónico. Tratando las direcciones de email como equivalentes a miembros, estas organizaciones presumen de su gran tamaño y restan importancia a la pequeñez de su impacto. Lo que importa es la cantidad. Para continuar creciendo, empiezan por consultar a expertos en marketing que les aseguran que las “mejores prácticas” recomiendan elaborar mensajes que atraigan al mayor número de personas. Así los grupos de discusión, tests A/B y encuestas a los socios reemplazan una filosofía fuerte, visión por el cambio radical y cuadro de obstinados militantes. 


INo sorprende que sus capañas pronto acaban pareciéndose a la publicidad: la mensajería email es sometida previamente a estudios de mercado y las ratios de clicks dominan cualquier otra consideración. En su afán por la cantidad, se relega la pasión. Sin embargo, a cada día que pasa se les hace más difícil obtener respuesta por parte de sus “miembros”. No tardan mucho en chocar de frente con la lamentable media de la industria de activistas online: menos de uno de cada veinte de sus miembros hace click en sus emails, el resto simplemente los borra. (Es un secreto a voces en las organizaciones progresistas de Bay Area que una tasa de respuesta de un 5% es lo normal). Así pues, a pesar del tamaño masivo, colosal de sus listas, tan solo pueden contar con movilizar una minúscula respuesta para cualquiera de sus acciones. Para incrementar los índices de clic, diluyen sus mensajes y hacen sus “preguntas” más sencillas y sus “acciones” más simples. En seguida, la decepción del “clique para firmar” queda atrás y el mero hecho de abrir un email se considera una firma de la petición. Y aún así, a medida que su lista de miembros engorda, la porción activa de sus bases desaparece. Y lo que es peor, a medida que activistas digitales bien intencionados descubren esto, se les va dejando atrás por campañas publicitarias poco honestas que los presentan como verdaderos agentes del cambio.  

Así pues, nos encontramos con la extraña situación en que la famosa organización internacional contra el cambio climático TckTckTck, con más de 10 millones de miembros y 350 organizaciones asociadas – incluyendo Greenpeace, 350, WWF, OXFAM, etc – está en manos de Havas Worldwide, la sexta mayor empresa publicitaria del mundo. Entre los clientes de Havas se encuentran Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola, Pfizer, BP y el resto de los que cabe culpar por todo esto. 

Al poner el activismo en manos de tecnócratas, hemos hecho un flaco favor a la noble tradición de agitación revolucionaria que ha traído a la humanidad todo desarrollo igualitarista. Hemos cambiado la dificultad de comprometerse en las luchas del mundo real por la comodidad de enviar emails y hacer click en links. Y digo esto a sabiendas de que los activistas-digitales lo suscriben y que la nueva generación está ansiosa por ofrecer sus servicios, proclamándose como los pioneros del puntero campo consistente en convertir direcciones de correo electrónico en cuerpos en la calle. Pero debemos resistir su supuesta condición de expertos en la materia y sus éxitos definidos por la cantidad. El camino a seguir no vendrá a través de las pantallas. 

El activismo, correctamente entendido, persigue la revolución atacando los problemas de raíz. Sostiene una crítica esencial de la sociedad que no puede ser resuelta, o recuperada, sin un profundo cambio cultural.  Cada era debe encontrar y afinar la crítica y usarla con persistencia para atacar repetidamente el orden social existente. La crítica esencial de nuestra generación es la perspectiva del medioambientalismo mental que concibe el consumismo como una plaga sobre la tierra retroalimentada por la polución mental de los publicistas. 

El futuro del activismo no es online; es una insurrección espiritual contra la contaminación mental. Y eso comienza por apagar nuestras pantallas. 

Micah es un Editor Colaborador de Adbusters y un activista independiente. Vive en Berkeley y está escribiendo un libro sobre el futuro del activismo. www.micahmwhite.com o micah (at) adbusters.org. 

Translated by the Translator Brigadestranslatorbrigades@gmail.com – help us in translating Adbusters!

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