Droga5 Begins Teasing Newcastle’s 2016 Super Bowl Ad

Droga5 has built campaigns around lampooning big budget advertising for Newcastle since its digital “If We Made It” campaign for the 2014 Super Bowl. This year, the agency attempted to crash Doritos’ “Crash the Super Bowl” campaign and enlisted the aid of Aubrey Plaza to get brands to join its “Band of Brands” regional big game ad. Now, the agency is looking towards the future, parodying brands’ tendency to tease their ads far before the big game by already teasing its 2016 effort.

With “just 52 short weeks” until the next Super Bowl, the teaser, narrated in a robotic voice, asks viewers “to prepare yourself to prepare yourself” for the brand’s “ad from the future.” Newcastle promises the ad will feature “2016’s hottest trends,” such as telepathic horse races, electric trumpet, mind-yodeling and, of course, high-speed cheese.

Looks like it’s going to be a pretty crazy year…

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