Adidas lança coleção inspirada nas naves estelares de “Star Wars”

Em mais um ano de parceria entre Adidas e a produtora Lucasfilm, a marca anuncia a chegada da coleção “Adidas x Star Wars Space Battle”, collab que apresenta três modelos icônicos de corrida inspirados nas naves estelares da Aliança Rebelde e Império Galático. Inspirado no X-Wing Starfighter, o UltraBOOST S&L lidera o pack apresentando uma paleta …

O post Adidas lança coleção inspirada nas naves estelares de “Star Wars” apareceu primeiro em B9.

Pinterest foca em pequenas empresas para acabar com o domínio de anúncios no Facebook e Google

O Pinterest tem adotado uma estratégia focada em pequenas empresas. Nesta semana, a plataforma anunciou uma nova página chamada Pinterest Shop, que é essencialmente um destino para marcas pequenas selecionadas exibirem seus produtos. A lista de empresas em destaque é organizada pelo próprio Pinterest e os usuários podem conferir listas de lojas e clicar nos …

O post Pinterest foca em pequenas empresas para acabar com o domínio de anúncios no Facebook e Google apareceu primeiro em B9.

Placemat-Equipped Lunchboxes – The 'FoldEat' Modular Lunchbox Offers a Portable Space for Eating

( The ‘FoldEat’ modular lunchbox is an all-in-one solution for professionals who bring their lunch with them to the office or who are looking for a better way to carry essential edibles…

E.T. Reunites With Elliott, but for an Xfinity Ad, Not a Movie Sequel

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial was one of the highest-grossing films ever made, but director Steven Spielberg always resisted making a followup to his 1982 film about an alien left behind on earth who befriends a young boy and attempts to “phone home.” However, E.T. and Elliott have finally reunited 37 years later–not for a sequel, but…

Comercial de Natal da Xfinity é a sequência de “E.T.: O Extraterrestre” que você não sabia que estava precisando

Em meio à era de reboots, sequências tardias, derivados e remakes que se desenrola nos cinemas, na TV e até nos games, é até um pouco chocante chegar à constatação de que até o momento nenhum executivo de Hollywood tenha sequer cogitado a ideia de produzir um filme ou série nesses moldes para “E.T.: O …

O post Comercial de Natal da Xfinity é a sequência de “E.T.: O Extraterrestre” que você não sabia que estava precisando apareceu primeiro em B9.

Sustainable After-Death Centers – 'Recompose' Offers an On-Site "Natural Organic Reduction” Service (GALLERY)

( Olson Kundig Architects developed the design for Recompose, an after-death facility in Seattle that sets itself apart as the first-of-its-kind center to offer “natural organic reduction”…

40 Avant-Garde Gift Ideas – From Hair-Trimmed Luxury Bags to Slouchy Cropped Turtlnecks (TOPLIST)

( An avant-garde gift needs to defy tradition in some shape, way, or form. Products in this category are often associated with a certain edgy quality as many exhibit an angular aesthetic and…

65 Gifts for Camping Lovers – From Wind-Up Rotisserie Ovens to Outdoor Camper Projection Screens (TOPLIST)

( The holidays are fast approaching and should you have friends or family who love spending time in the outdoors, these gifts for camping lovers showcases products for beginners and experts. While…

Instagram volta a exibir contador de curtidas para alguns usuários

Depois de anunciar em abril a medida, o Instagram começou a testar a partir de julho no Brasil a ideia de ocultar dos usuários os números de curtidas de cada postagem na rede social. A ação na época foi justificada pela companhia como um esforço para diminuir o sentimento de competição entre os perfis, além …

O post Instagram volta a exibir contador de curtidas para alguns usuários apareceu primeiro em B9.

Artistas retiram suas músicas da Amazon Music em boicote à empresa

No final de outubro, diversos artistas assinaram um documento nomeado “No Music For ICE”, que basicamente é uma carta aberta de incentivo a um boicote contra a Amazon. O movimento começou depois que a DJ The Black Madonna cancelou a sua participação no festival Intersect, evento que acontece em dezembro em Las Vegas e é …

O post Artistas retiram suas músicas da Amazon Music em boicote à empresa apareceu primeiro em B9.

Twitter volta atrás na decisão de deletar contas inativas para não remover por acidente perfis de usuários falecidos

Na última terça-feira (26), o Twitter anunciou ao mundo que promoveria uma espécie de limpeza na base de usuários, eliminando todas as contas que estavam há pelo menos seis meses abandonadas ou inativas. No dia 11 de dezembro, todos os perfis alertados pela companhia que não tivessem sido acessados seriam sumariamente deletados da plataforma. Mas …

O post Twitter volta atrás na decisão de deletar contas inativas para não remover por acidente perfis de usuários falecidos apareceu primeiro em B9.

Volkswagen: Reactions

Volkswagen Print Ad - Reactions
Volkswagen Print Ad - Reactions
Volkswagen Print Ad - Reactions
Volkswagen Print Ad - Reactions

VOLKSWAGEN AND GEOMETRY ARGENTINA PRESENT “REACTIONS”, THE NEW CAMPAIGN FOR AMAROK V6 The agency led by Karina Aiello and creatively led by Tony Waissmann, presents the new campaign for Volkswagen Amarok V6. The campaign consists of 4 executions where we can feel in the body itself, the sensation of an immediate reaction to a certain situation. Tony Waissmann, CCO of the agency commented, “It´s a campaign that I love because its one of those jobs that causes a great body identification with what we are seeing. It shows the immediate reaction that the Amarok V6 has. When we see the executions, we all know what they are talking about, because we go through those situations, because we know what it feels like, and because we know mainly how we react and how fast we are. With typical real-life situations, I think we can clearly tell the benefit of our product ” Karina Aiello, CEO of Geometry added, “It’s a brand we know a lot, it’s always a pleasure to work together and that’s why we have jobs we really want to show. We are proud of the work we have been generating together and we hope there are many more.”

Ray-Ban: #FeelYourBeat

#FeelYourBeat Things that form us, our journey, our roots, our discoveries – feeling every second of it.

Canadian Mental Health Association: The Self-Care Calendar for Festive Season Survival

Canadian Mental Health Association Integrated Ad - The Self-Care Calendar for Festive Season Survival
Canadian Mental Health Association Integrated Ad - The Self-Care Calendar for Festive Season Survival
Canadian Mental Health Association Integrated Ad - The Self-Care Calendar for Festive Season Survival
Canadian Mental Health Association Integrated Ad - The Self-Care Calendar for Festive Season Survival

Despite what the TV commercials and mall music might say, it’s certainly not the most wonderful time of the year for many Canadians. In fact, the holidays can be emotionally, financially and even physically taxing. According to research, 59% of people admitted to feeling sad during the holiday, while 55% lacked motivation or energy and 51% said they were fatigued. With the pressure to feel merry seeming to increase with each passing December day, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and forget some of the keys to contentment and wellbeing.

Toronto agency The Hive has created a solution called “The Self-Care Calendar for Festive Season Survival.” Rather than sweet treats, however, this advent-style calendar is filled with messages of encouragement and hope, with all proceeds going to the Canadian Mental Health Association. The calendar features a different message for each day leading up to Dec. 25, with doors opening to reveal instructions like “Give presence over presents,” “Social media, silent night” and “Deck the halls with, ugh, whatever.” The tone is playful, but there is an underlying message about the importance of not allowing yourself to be overwhelmed during a stressful time.

“The Self-Care Calendar” is available for $20 at Toronto’s Drake General Store locations. It’s also available at The Hive’s office on Toronto’s King Street West, where it is being promoted with billboard-style ads in the agency’s windows. The agency is also presenting the calendar to clients.

Toys For Tots: An Unboxing Worth Watching

As another holiday shopping season kicks into high gear, there’s no shortage of tech, toys, and treats being touted as the latest and greatest ‘must-have’ gift. And one of the most popular ways new products are being showcased to consumers is through unboxing videos, where people film themselves opening, inspecting, and reviewing an item for their audience. This trend has exploded over the past few years, and has made its way into the children’s toy category, where content creators young and old unbox and discuss the latest toy.

But while most of us know the thrill of opening a gift and exploring what’s inside, others aren’t so lucky. Thousands of Canadian kids don’t receive gifts during the holiday season as their families don’t have the means to buy them one. In an effort to raise awareness for this harsh reality, Toys For Tots Canada created an unboxing video of their own – an #UnboxingWorthWatching. The video starts with all the common tropes you’d expect in an unboxing video: jump cuts, a homemade title card introducing their host Joey, even a callout to subscribe to his YouTube channel.

Everything is happy and upbeat until, it isn’t. When Joey opens the box, he finds there’s nothing inside, and the campaign message is revealed: Some kids have nothing to unbox.

Video of An Unboxing Worth Watching

Way Beer: Way Circus

Way Beer

Campaign for a beer event featuring circus attractions, presented by Way Beer. The incredible IPA swallower. The tap multiplier magician. The atomic beer sommelier.

Advertising Agency:Bronx, Curitiba, Brazil
Creative Director:Alexandre Silveira
Art Director:Lucas Alves
Copywriter:Alexandre Silveira
Illustrator:Nicolas Corrente

Vodafone: Open the Present


Advertising Agency:Wunderman Thompson, Lisbon, Portugal
Creative Director:Pedro Magalhaes
Copywriters:Marco Figueiredo, Diogo Stilwell
Art Directors:Pedro Santos, André Alberto
Client Service Director:Graca Magalhaes
Account Supervisors:Sónia Reis
Production:Marta Guapo
Production House:Krypton Films
Director:Augusto Fraga
DoP:André Szankowski
Sound Studio:Ameba

Microsoft: Holiday Magic Lucy and the Reindeer


This holiday, follow the magical story of Lucy, a curious 6-year-old with a few questions for her reindeer friends. With the help of her mom’s Surface and Microsoft Translator, she finally gets her chance to ask the most important questions of the season. Microsoft technology empowers and connects everyone on the planet…well, almost everyone.

Advertising Agency:McCann Worldgroup, USA
coChief Creative Officers:Sean Bryan, Tom Murphy
Evp:Shayne Millington
Executive Creative Director:Shayne Millington, Michael Aimette
Creative Directors:Rick Ardito, Emmie Nostitz
Senior Art Director:Edu Lunardi
Copywriter:Hunter Pinnell
Senior Copywriter:Nick Larson
Director Creative Technology:David Cliff
Creative Technologists:Alicia Foor, Hiya Vazirani

Snickers: Snickersgate


Advertising Agency:CLM/BBDO, Paris, France
Creative Directors:Benjamin Dessagne, Stephane Santana
Vice President:Julien Lemoine
Art Director:Théophile Robaglia
Copywriter:Joseph Rozier
Sales Director:Judith Romero
Customer Director:Meigge Sauvaget
Head Of Social Media:Fabio Iazzetta
Social Media Consultant:Youcef Boualem
Head Of Production:Isabelle Darroman
Producer:Pierre Boudin, Nizar El Tayeb
Video Editor:Philippe Bienaimé
PostProducer:Laurianne Fréguin
Communication:Marion Weill-Collange, Fanny Sachot
Influence Manager:Marion Weill-Collange
Influence Consultant:Fanny Sachot
Production:Big Production
Director:Christophe Deroo
Chief Operator:Christophe Deroo
Production Directors:Nazha Dhamani, Marc Fuentes

Pringles: Hunger Hammer

Direct Marketing, Design

Pringles has unveiled a gaming headset that does double-duty as an automatic chip dispenser. Hungry gamers can stay on their controllers and be fed chips hands-free by the Pringles “Hunger Hammer” as they play on.

The new invention prototype promotes the brand’s partnership with new “Gears 5” first-person shooter game and connects gamers and their followers on Twitch. Pringles has been growing its presence in the gaming world and more than doubled its investment in eSports in 2019. For its promotion with “Gears 5,” each Pringles can has a code that can be used to unlock a three-day boost in the game.

Pringles has hired Twitch gaming influencers Criken, DexBonus, and Strippin to beta-test the Hunger Hammer playing “Gears 5” during live streams over the next few weeks and is running ads on Twitch to promote its “Gears 5” partnership.

Advertising Agency:Grey, New York, USA
Chief Creative Officer:John Patroulis
Deputy Chief Creative Officer:Jeff Stamp
Gcd:Leo Barbosa, Cuanan Cronwright, Mauricio Ruiz
Art Director:Leo Barbosa, Robert Jencks, Shannon Smith
Writer:Cuanan Cronwright, Tan Erginay
Acd:Tan Erginay, Robert Jencks
Evp:Brian Weston
Global Account Director:Brian Weston
Svp:Nicole Nazarenus
Account Director:Nicole Nazarenus
Account Supervisor:Amanda Lederman
Executive Strategy Director:Howard Roberts
Senior Planner:Nicolas Pilaprat
Senior Digital Producer:Lakota Crofut
Creative Technology:Mauricio Ruiz
Senior Print Producer:Chris Miller, Townhouse
Vp:Kimberly Kietz
Executive Integrated Producer:Kimberly Kietz
Project Manager:Grace Juster
Music Producer:Kurt Steinke